Friday 8 June 2012

PSYCHOLOGY- A way of life

To the one and only love of my life, Miss Tochi Okeke, my appreciation for you is inexpressible, unutterable, indescribable, deep and overwhelming. Your sacrifice, encouragement, time, motivation, financial support, wisdom, knowledge and understanding, they all kept me going. I thank the Almighty God for creating you for me.

I wrote this in the appreciation page of my final year project because I wanted to show my Ex how much I appreciated and loved her.
What a romantic way of appreciating someone, few months later we broke up. (What did I just say????) Yes we broke up and she made it so impossible for us to come back.

Question: - What is PSYCHOLOGY?

Answer: - Psychology is the STUDY of MAN in his ENVIRONMENT!!!

Note the key words. Study of man in a specific setting (environment) that means you can never define a man’s persona until you have tested his or her behaviour in different environments. That constant or dominant behaviour in all environments is what forms the character or personality of a man

I am a bit confused, how long does it ever take to know and predict a man, we dated 5 years and still never knew each other. I have seen thirty (30) year old marriages crumble!!! Is it that we/they were not studying each other well or the environments to determine our/their personalities were not enough!!! So we spent 5 years before she knew she couldn’t take and do things my own way and I never wanted things done her own way too. Now, the same girl I loved so much is not the same girl I want to be with anymore. What is then the dominant behaviour after 5 years? The love or the lies???

In conclusion, Humans are hard to predict which makes it’s easier for the devil to repent and make it to heaven than for you to please a man in all ramifications!!!

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