Friday 8 June 2012

A CONFUSED STATE OF MIND 2 "Let God choose 4 u"

"Let God choose 4 u, it'll be d right decision; let God guide u, it'll be d right direction; let God plan 4 u, it'll be d right timing. Let God measure 4 u, it'll be d right portion. Let God counsel u, it'll be d right perspective; Let God fight 4 u, it'll be d right outcome. Let God work with u, it'll be d right result. 

So whether it turns out the way you want it or not as far as God is part of it, you will with TIME find out the good in the result you got.

7 ways to renew mind and be profitable:

1. Speak +ve to all challenges. Prov, 18:21: -
Even when things are at their worst stages and all hell is let loose like explained in part one of this write up, a habit of speaking positively To the situation will keep your head above sea level longer-survival is more certain. Life and death is a choice!!! Choose life, talk life, live life, experience life!!!

2. Take an action: i.e. take a step of faith Mark 10:46-47.
I will put it this way, if God must bless you or do something, there must be something we will work with as he is not a magician. Try Different ideas as they come. As much as God wants to see your willingness they must be CALCULATED RISKS. Don’t just jump into an ocean without safety gargets and expect to come back the same and that’s IF YOU SURVIVE THE WRECK.

3. Shift your mind from -ve thinking. Convert to +ve immediately. Mark 11:22-24. James 1:5-6
Your mind is a SPIRITUAL magnet. The kind of thoughts you keep in them determine what it attracts from the spiritual to the physical. Clear those negative thoughts now!!!

4. Have a list of friends and move closer to those that will add value to your life. Prov. 27:17. Prov. 27:22
I have but a few and of course with time I kept discovering each one of their purpose in my life. Everything in life has manufacturing dates and expiring date even your life. Each friend has a purpose in your life. Learn to harness it to your advantage and move on when there’s nothing for you to offer or to be offered. Accept their expiry dates and move on to the new one that will bring the next challenge.

5. Pray a great deal: Always thank God for all ideas. Daniel 5:20-25
Prayer is the key to survival.

6. Spirit of Humility is the key.
Humility is not weakness; it’s actually a great show of strength!!! A wise man once said that a man is not he who fights and war and comes back in victory but a he who prevents the war from occurring in the first place!!!

7. Shift your ideas towards heavenly gains. MAtt.16:20
"Let God choose 4 u, it'll be d right decision; let God guide u, it'll be d right direction; let God plan 4 u, it'll be d right timing. Let God measure 4 u, it'll be d right portion. Let God counsel u, it'll be d right perspective, Let God fight 4 u, it'll be d right outcome. Let God work with u, it'll be d right result. 
Once you are in line with God’s word and your dreams are for heavenly gains, God will have no choice that to choose for you, decide for you, guide you, direct you, plan for you, time you, measure for you, counsel you, fight for you, work with you and walk with you!!!!!

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