Wednesday 6 June 2012


"I choose to live by choice not by chance, to make changes not excuses, to be motivated not manipulated, to be useful not be used, to excel not compete. I choose self-esteem not self-pity, I choose to listen to my inner voice not the random opinion of others."

Each time i read this, it sounds more like i am trying to break out of a particular mindset!!! To some people it's more like just a recital while to some it creates a Will power to take control of things around oneself comes but for a while and it dies a natural death in no time. 

The word, choose means there are other variables or options or alternatives involved. It means a desired selection/decision/preference has to be made.

The human brain is built for very complex activities but yet decision making is one big problem. The human mind is the most deceptive of all creations and this comes into play during decision making.

Your mental strength will help you when you need it the most but how long can you hold on to it. When everything around you is gone there’s no place to look onto, what can possibly motivate you? When your family is wiped out in the Dana air crash, will you still choose self esteem and not self-pity? When your husband has been sacked and you are all evicted from the company house and everything is taken away from you and you are back to square one, will you still make changes and not excuses? When you are gang raped by four (4) hefty men on drugs who take their time to satisfy their urge with your long preserved body, will you still listen to your inner voice and not the random opinion of others?

What decision can you make at these points? How good will your decision making skills be at that time or that phase in life. Will you curse God and wish for death or will you after doing all to stand still stand???

Will your emotions sell you out or help you out.

A lot of us don’t believe in the Supernatural Being (God) but the earlier we do, the better for us.

He says, he will have mercy on whom he will have mercy on and give grace to whom he will give grace to!!! So whether we are manipulated or not motivated, does it matter?

Is life a function of our mental strength? Our good decision making skills? Our choices? Our........ or is life just predestined by FATE??....

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