Monday 6 August 2012


I was just wondering the other day what would have happened to our modern world if Graham Bell had not discovered d telephone in him. If the Wright Brothers had died with the plane in them. If Shakespeare had refused to release d books in him.

Someone discovered d car we drive, d electricity we use, d various machinery in our industries & d computer.

Someone discovered d chair in d tree & gold in d dust. Someone fought against slavery, racism, & injustice.
Someone fought for your freedom; someone fought battles & conquered territories.
Just imagine a world without Oral Roberts, Martins Luther, Myles Munroe, Thomas Edison, Benson Idahosa, Mother Theresa, Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, & many others who impacted their world.
Have u ever thought of a world without writers, singers, inventors, entrepreneurs, industrialists, players & so on?

The world wants to benefit from d deposits inside u, but you have to make a personal discovery of those treasures inside u that make for impactful living. You have not yet tapped d awesome potential & resources in u. U too can accomplish extra-ordinary things. Don't look outside of u to achieve greatness. Ur greatness lies within u. A man's most important asset is his mind. It is a working mind that puts men ahead. It is productive thinking that gives people a place & mention among d great. Thinkers make & rule our modern world; tomorrow's world will be fashioned out by them. All outstanding thinkers are idea generators. It is ideas acted upon that create history.

Don’t let anything stop you and don’t stop at nothing. Keeping walking, keeping moving. Look at these people from the Olympics who didn’t allow their place of birth or lack of opportunities from their previous location or even the present location stop them from being what they were destine to be or more like what they wanted to be. They gave NO-EXCUSES and they are all Nigerias like you and I.

      1.  Margaret Adeoye-GREAT BRITAIN: 200m
2. Foluke Akinradewo- USA: Volleyball.
3. Danielle Alakija- FIJI: 400m.
4. Anthony Alozie- AUSTRALIA: 4*100m
5. Eniola Aluko- GREAT BRITAIN: Football.
6. Oluwadamilola Bakare-GREAT BRITAIN:Volleyball.
7. Peter Bakare-GREAT BRITAIN:Volleyball.
8. Ifeoma Dieke-GREAT BRITAIN: Football.
9. Innocent Emeghara- SWITZERLAND: Football.
10.Temi Fagbenle- GREAT BRITAIN: Basketball.
11.Haynes Akeem- CANADA: 4*100m.
12.Phillips Idowu- GREAT BRITAIN: Triple Jump.
13.Saheed Idowu- CONGO: Table Tennis.
14.Ayodele Ikuesan- FRANCE: 4*100m.
15.Oluwasegun Makinde- CANADA: 4*100m.
16.Marilyn Okoro- GREAT BRITAIN: 4*400m.
17.Lawrence Okoye- GREAT BRITAIN: Discus.
18.Ezinne Okparaebo- NORWAY: 100/200m.
19.Anyika Onuora- GREAT BRITAIN: 100/200m.
20.Andrew Osagie- GREAT BRITAIN: 800m.
21.Abiodun Oyepitan- GREAT BRITAIN: 100m.
22.Chinyere Pigot- SURINAME: Swimming.
23.Oluseyi Smith- CANADA: 4*100m.
24.Christine Ohuruogu- GREAT BRITAIN: 100m.     The lists goes on......

Be thankful for what you have or where you are now though but be creative, be innovative. Think differently and positively. When people turn you down and think they've succeeded in frustrating you, when life gives you 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile. Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear. Those who dig evil graves shall fall into it as God won't let you down, Keep the faith and drop the fear. Be anxious for nothing.

It's a beautiful thing to see a person smiling, but it’s more beautiful knowing that you are the reason for the smile!

Faith is not about everything turning out OK. Faith is about being OK no matter how things turn out.
But don’t sit there and watch, stand up and move. Get your hands to do something no matter how small or petty. Don’t let your pride, ego or laziness, procrastination prevent you from getting there. Start planning to break a record today and work towards it........

The world is waiting for u.

Friday 8 June 2012

PSYCHOLOGY- A way of life

To the one and only love of my life, Miss Tochi Okeke, my appreciation for you is inexpressible, unutterable, indescribable, deep and overwhelming. Your sacrifice, encouragement, time, motivation, financial support, wisdom, knowledge and understanding, they all kept me going. I thank the Almighty God for creating you for me.

I wrote this in the appreciation page of my final year project because I wanted to show my Ex how much I appreciated and loved her.
What a romantic way of appreciating someone, few months later we broke up. (What did I just say????) Yes we broke up and she made it so impossible for us to come back.

Question: - What is PSYCHOLOGY?

Answer: - Psychology is the STUDY of MAN in his ENVIRONMENT!!!

Note the key words. Study of man in a specific setting (environment) that means you can never define a man’s persona until you have tested his or her behaviour in different environments. That constant or dominant behaviour in all environments is what forms the character or personality of a man

I am a bit confused, how long does it ever take to know and predict a man, we dated 5 years and still never knew each other. I have seen thirty (30) year old marriages crumble!!! Is it that we/they were not studying each other well or the environments to determine our/their personalities were not enough!!! So we spent 5 years before she knew she couldn’t take and do things my own way and I never wanted things done her own way too. Now, the same girl I loved so much is not the same girl I want to be with anymore. What is then the dominant behaviour after 5 years? The love or the lies???

In conclusion, Humans are hard to predict which makes it’s easier for the devil to repent and make it to heaven than for you to please a man in all ramifications!!!

A CONFUSED STATE OF MIND 2 "Let God choose 4 u"

"Let God choose 4 u, it'll be d right decision; let God guide u, it'll be d right direction; let God plan 4 u, it'll be d right timing. Let God measure 4 u, it'll be d right portion. Let God counsel u, it'll be d right perspective; Let God fight 4 u, it'll be d right outcome. Let God work with u, it'll be d right result. 

So whether it turns out the way you want it or not as far as God is part of it, you will with TIME find out the good in the result you got.

7 ways to renew mind and be profitable:

1. Speak +ve to all challenges. Prov, 18:21: -
Even when things are at their worst stages and all hell is let loose like explained in part one of this write up, a habit of speaking positively To the situation will keep your head above sea level longer-survival is more certain. Life and death is a choice!!! Choose life, talk life, live life, experience life!!!

2. Take an action: i.e. take a step of faith Mark 10:46-47.
I will put it this way, if God must bless you or do something, there must be something we will work with as he is not a magician. Try Different ideas as they come. As much as God wants to see your willingness they must be CALCULATED RISKS. Don’t just jump into an ocean without safety gargets and expect to come back the same and that’s IF YOU SURVIVE THE WRECK.

3. Shift your mind from -ve thinking. Convert to +ve immediately. Mark 11:22-24. James 1:5-6
Your mind is a SPIRITUAL magnet. The kind of thoughts you keep in them determine what it attracts from the spiritual to the physical. Clear those negative thoughts now!!!

4. Have a list of friends and move closer to those that will add value to your life. Prov. 27:17. Prov. 27:22
I have but a few and of course with time I kept discovering each one of their purpose in my life. Everything in life has manufacturing dates and expiring date even your life. Each friend has a purpose in your life. Learn to harness it to your advantage and move on when there’s nothing for you to offer or to be offered. Accept their expiry dates and move on to the new one that will bring the next challenge.

5. Pray a great deal: Always thank God for all ideas. Daniel 5:20-25
Prayer is the key to survival.

6. Spirit of Humility is the key.
Humility is not weakness; it’s actually a great show of strength!!! A wise man once said that a man is not he who fights and war and comes back in victory but a he who prevents the war from occurring in the first place!!!

7. Shift your ideas towards heavenly gains. MAtt.16:20
"Let God choose 4 u, it'll be d right decision; let God guide u, it'll be d right direction; let God plan 4 u, it'll be d right timing. Let God measure 4 u, it'll be d right portion. Let God counsel u, it'll be d right perspective, Let God fight 4 u, it'll be d right outcome. Let God work with u, it'll be d right result. 
Once you are in line with God’s word and your dreams are for heavenly gains, God will have no choice that to choose for you, decide for you, guide you, direct you, plan for you, time you, measure for you, counsel you, fight for you, work with you and walk with you!!!!!

Wednesday 6 June 2012


"I choose to live by choice not by chance, to make changes not excuses, to be motivated not manipulated, to be useful not be used, to excel not compete. I choose self-esteem not self-pity, I choose to listen to my inner voice not the random opinion of others."

Each time i read this, it sounds more like i am trying to break out of a particular mindset!!! To some people it's more like just a recital while to some it creates a Will power to take control of things around oneself comes but for a while and it dies a natural death in no time. 

The word, choose means there are other variables or options or alternatives involved. It means a desired selection/decision/preference has to be made.

The human brain is built for very complex activities but yet decision making is one big problem. The human mind is the most deceptive of all creations and this comes into play during decision making.

Your mental strength will help you when you need it the most but how long can you hold on to it. When everything around you is gone there’s no place to look onto, what can possibly motivate you? When your family is wiped out in the Dana air crash, will you still choose self esteem and not self-pity? When your husband has been sacked and you are all evicted from the company house and everything is taken away from you and you are back to square one, will you still make changes and not excuses? When you are gang raped by four (4) hefty men on drugs who take their time to satisfy their urge with your long preserved body, will you still listen to your inner voice and not the random opinion of others?

What decision can you make at these points? How good will your decision making skills be at that time or that phase in life. Will you curse God and wish for death or will you after doing all to stand still stand???

Will your emotions sell you out or help you out.

A lot of us don’t believe in the Supernatural Being (God) but the earlier we do, the better for us.

He says, he will have mercy on whom he will have mercy on and give grace to whom he will give grace to!!! So whether we are manipulated or not motivated, does it matter?

Is life a function of our mental strength? Our good decision making skills? Our choices? Our........ or is life just predestined by FATE??....