Tuesday 29 October 2013

Salient Points

Unlearn the things that wont help u in life and start to learn the things that will help u in life!!! Until u have a mindset of Divinity, mortality can not submit to u!!! Engage ur mind in positive thinking.... A object remains in its state inertia or in its continuous motion until it is acted upon by a force.... So will u send the force of Heaven unto that situation now or leave it to destroy u? What r u gonna do with all the word of God that has been spoken into ur life??? leave them to die or activate them by first living a righteous life in Christ Jesus? The word of God is quick and powerful. The word of God is sharper than the GLADIATOR'S two edged sword!!!Jesus came that I might have life and have it , more abundantly so why is my business dying? why is my marriage dying? Why is my education dying? why is my destiny dying? Why is my ministry dying? Why is my health dying? Why is my generation dying...... its becos I have been sleeping and while I slept, the enemy sowed tars mongst my wheat!!! So I have more work now. 1. To uproot, root out, destroy and throw down the works of the evil ones 2. Build and plant my life both from the spiritual and the physical perspectives in alignment to the word of God.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

SanSan-Coined For Me Alone!!!

After taking the personality temperament test, my result came out showing I am a SanChlor, which is a combination of the sanguine and choleric temperaments. When I told my friends, it was like a spirit came upon both of them at the same time and they both said something that struck me at that time like they planned it.“You are SanSan, Joor!!!” (You are extreme).We all laughed but at that point, I remembered my mum’s saying “it is where you play, that’s where you hear and find the truth. SanSan, yeah that’s a new one but how many employers want an employee who is overly everywhere (When I am not God who is omnipresence).I hear you say I can fit in for market but as a SanChlor, I already talk too much and expose myself and my weaknesses for all to see. I express myself loudly even before I know all the facts, I have mouth troubles, hot tempered… don’t forget I am a SanSan oooo… If i was a Sanchlor which I actually am,Then i would have a dominant sanguine and a recessive choleric personality but these friends of mine called me SanSan. (I guess from their perceptual point of view, you have painted the mental picture, so you know what I mean by now.) Well, now that I know and I understand my personality, I have asked myself realistic questions. 1.How would an employer perceive my productivity, personal and interpersonal functioning as a SanSan. 2.How would an employer perceive my level of emotional intelligence as a SanSan 3.How would an employer perceive my value system as a SanSan 4.How would an employer perceive my behavioral tendencies as SanSan. Lastly 5.Can l employ myself? With these questions in place I sincerely gave myself “THE CORRECT ANSWERS”; wrote those answers quietly in my consciousness and ignited my mind to work positivity with them so as to best manage the down side of my personality. Thank God I learnt this now… I would have been thrown out of several companies; If not for anything but for the down sides of my personality. Public speaking, salesmanship, marketing, counselling, customer care, event managements and protocol are my areas of strength and core interest as I discovered because these are fields I can utilize my SanSan personality optimally while I work on managing my weaknesses by covering them with my Strengths. Find out your personality temperament so that you know exactly what to work on for you not to be perceived wrongly by a prospective employer; So you can get a job, but not only get a job, you get the right job and keep the job. I firstly have to work on moving from a SanSan back to a sancholr, at that, the operations, logistics, events management, marketing, protocol and customer care departments in my dream world leading multinationals like Etisalat, Glo World, BAT, Mobil, Mtn, Airtel, Nafdac, PZ and Chevron will see an employable Chinedu Obiagwu.